The TracerTight® leak detection and location test surpasses all other leak detection methods because: it is highly sensitive, provides leak location, not affected by hydrocarbons from previous leaks or spills, any sized system can be tested without loss of sensitivity and there is no disruption in service to the system being tested.
The TracerTight® is a patented process, performed by mixing an inert, non-reactive, non-toxic and product-compatible chemical tracer at very low concentrations (1-3ppm). The Tracer chemicals used have ASTM approval for use in Jet fuel and are compatible with virtually all products: all hydrocarbons, 99% of chemicals, water, air and nitrogen to name a few.
The tracer chemical is distributed throughout the tank and piping system, the tracer-labelled fuel is then released through any system leaks into the surrounding soil; it migrates through the soil by way of molecular diffusion where it is detected by the leak detection probe system, installed in the soil near the tank and along piping runs. Air samples are collected from each probe, and analysed using a gas chromatograph for the presence of tracer. The detection of tracer in the soil vapor samples determines if there is an active leak.